Jan 23Liked by Frank Lantz

Frank, this post really stuck with me. Sent me down a few rabbitholes. Thank you! Also your insight that you casually dropped about drum and bass also floored me:

"In the same way that the seven seconds of the amen break gradually unfolded into the entire musical sub-genre of drum and bass"

Also, did you see this post from Rambalac?


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Jan 23Liked by Frank Lantz

I was struck by one of the top comments on the Rambalac video you linked to: "As someone who cannot walk very well I want to say thank you for giving the sensation of free movement. It may not seem like much but to be able to see the world moving by at a walking pace instead of at a snails pace brings to me a peaceful heart."

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Jan 23Liked by Frank Lantz

This was a great read. Thank you so much for pulling all of these thoughts together.

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Jan 23Liked by Frank Lantz

There's another one of these types of channels that I love, Ogmios and his "School of Zen Motoring" which tells you everything you need to know about the content of his channel. Here's my favourite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1TxCRHG-vo

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Jan 23Liked by Frank Lantz

I've been watching Rambalac for years. The very first video I saw, I thought, "I'll probably watch this for about ten minutes and get bored," and found myself mesmerized for over an hour. Everything you say her is true - it's the very fact that he keeps himself out of the way that makes it so inviting, makes me feel like I'm wandering the streets of Tokyo, unrushed, absorbing everything.

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